The Original Cottage Company (TOCC) is one of the largest holiday cottage agencies in the UK.
Their success is due to the level of quality, service and expertise they offer by the growing number of locally based holiday cottage agencies they own across England and Wales.

I started working for the Original Cottage Company almost 7 years ago as a graphic designer & photographer. The role quickly diversified and I am now responsible for staff photography training, network imagery management, quality control and much more.
I work with a small team of photographers and it’s our job to travel the country ensuring that staff in our regional offices receive the highest quality training and that our holiday properties are represented in the best possible way.
I also plan and undertake landscape shoots, lifestyle shoots and high end property showcase shoots across the UK as they are required.
I also do a great deal of graphic design work which I believe gives me a huge advantage over the competition as it gives me skills such as typography and layout that I would not otherwise have; this enables me to present my imagery to a very high standard.
TOCC is a wonderful company to work for and I hope I do so for many more years to come.